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Prikazuju se postovi od siječanj, 2013

Croatian Association of Artist Rijeka

"Juraj Klović", Rijeka, 2012

some random past works- neki raniji radovi

look under likovnost ______________ Palach, Rijeka, 2007   Slikarski atelje Ljubljana- Painting studio at the Academy in Ljubljana

graphic-grafika (Ljubljana)

grafički atelje . Specialization during the postgraduate study in Ljubljana was in that sence an extension of my work, yet in that time in another media. Video opened new possibilities in realization of a drawing, that gave a new time and space dimensions of a drawn line. Spontaneously I came to realize that ideas sometimes get formed as a collage and that is very much included in my work. So, collage is actually included a great deal, as well as graphic-objects where paper gets new dimensions. Paper in my case is excluded of its surface and is put in space. exhibited in Ljubljana and Koper